Hello there! We are close to wrapping up our inte...
# ask-questions
Hello there! We are close to wrapping up our integration with Growthbook. During our call with a sales rep we were told we'd need to integrate our metrics system with Growthbook. Who would be the one to help us with that?
Hi Jeremy - usually a company's metrics are individual. We do have some ways to generate some of the metrics automatically, if you're using Segment or GA4
So we use AppsFlyer as our metrics provider, but I was under the impression that we'd need to integrate that on some level. Is that not the case? I must have misunderstood Ivan if it isn't. I know he said that Growthbook does not collect metrics which was fine as we didn't need another place to send metrics and check.
I see
is the appsFlyer data available to export to data warehouse?
looks like that is possible
Most likely, I know we do export data to other warehouses I just don't know the particulars as I am not on the day to day of that. But I can find out. If that is possible, do we have to actually do that to use Growthbook? What would be the pros/cons of doing it vs not doing it? Because it may not even be necessary, I just am not aware of it is and if not what do we get in doing it. (By the way, thank you for responding back, I really apprecaite it)
GrowthBook needs to connect to some source of data
Thanks! @fresh-football-47124 So, can we do that ourselves through the web portal or does that require more in-depth setup? What would be the next steps?
You can set up your data source connection using the GrowthBook UI. In the left navigation bar, go to "Metrics and Data" --> "Data sources" then click the purple "Add Data source" button.
thankyou 1