Hi team, I want to propose using GrowthBook for th...
# ask-questions
Hi team, I want to propose using GrowthBook for the company product They are having concerns about these matters 1. Data storage: How does GrowthBook save our data? Do they put it inside Singapore region? 2. Data retention: Do they remove it after we remove our account in their platform? 3. Data encryption: Can we encrypt any PII data in their platform? Could you help me answer those questions ?
1. We don't store your users data or PII. GrowthBook only stores aggregate data about experiments, and experiment meta data, and of course any feature flags. If keeping this data in your region, you are welcome to self-host GrowthBook and no data would leave your servers 2. You can request us to remove your account data. 3. See number 1. The only PII we have is your GrowthBook account information