:wave: Hi all! Sorry if this is somewhere in the d...
# ask-questions
👋 Hi all! Sorry if this is somewhere in the docs; I wasn't finding it. What's the unit on
min percent change
in a metric's
section? Our default is 0.5%. I'm assuming this is a relative change? Are there any plans to incorporate standardized effect sizes, e.g.,
(treatment_mean - control_mean) / control_stddev
? Thanks!
cc: @wonderful-traffic-47064
nvm - answered my own question - it's a relative change indeed: https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/blob/main/packages/front-end/services/experiments.ts#L82
Copy code
return Math.abs(<http://baseline.cr|baseline.cr> - <http://stats.cr|stats.cr>) / <http://baseline.cr|baseline.cr> < minPercentChange;
yep, sorry about that - yes, relative