Hi <@U01T6HCHD0A>, I am a Flutter developer, I hav...
# ask-questions
Hi @fresh-football-47124, I am a Flutter developer, I have integrated growth book and able to use features and experiments. I got a requirement on streaming line, I could see stream management support for react , javascript others with attribute subscribeToChanges: true, unfortunately we dont have option for flutter. How can I achieve it for flutter? quick help is more appreciated..
We don't support streaming (SSE) for Flutter yet. It's on the roadmap and is something we hope to add relatively soon.
@happy-autumn-40938, Thanks for your kind reply. is it possible to achive it through JS ? I mean initialising at index.html and accessing object at Component level?
I'm not sure I understand your set up enough (how does flutter communicate with this html file?), but my guess would be no. That said, you're always welcome to fork the Flutter SDK (and/or open a PR) which adds SSE streaming support
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Sure I am trying something with JS, if it works I ll raise a PR. And do please let me know when flutter supports SSE. Here is my mail id. shwetha.hv@maersk.com
setRenderer is just a callback that triggers whenever features are updated. A user can hook into this to update the view on change. I am not sure if there is an equivalent in the Flutter SDK
By the way, I received an update that our Flutter dev will be starting work on SSE for the Flutter SDK shortly
I am trying to achieve this way but setRenderer is not giving updates , I could able to check feature is on/off from flutter component, but I want setRenderer to render the DOM
Super, Thanks @happy-autumn-40938.
@Hi @happy-autumn-40938 , any updated on flutter SSE?
The Flutter SDK devs have reported that they just added SSE support if you pull the latest package. I don't know any further details yet on how to use it, but hopefully that's enough to get you started. I've asked them for clarification as well
@happy-autumn-40938, Thank you so much i could able see SSE changes , but what is
Copy code
sseUrl: <GrowthBook_SSEURL/API_KEY>,
I could not find it. And could able to frame like this GROWTHBOOK_HOST_URL=https://cdt-growthbook-proxy.fbm.maersk.com/ GROWTHBOOK_SDK_KEY=sdk-rCB5GcM9jECLsJt GROWTHBOOK_SSE_URL=https://cdt-growthbook-proxy.fbm.maersk.com/sdk-rCB5GcM9jECLsJt
Given that your host is already a GB proxy server, I think you either skip providing GROWTHBOOK_SSE_URL or use the same url as your GROWTHBOOK_HOST_URL (https://cdt-growthbook-proxy.fbm.maersk.com/)
@happy-autumn-40938, can someone from flutter team can connect with me to check SSE, Its not working for me until I refresh the application. I can get data at the time of load
you can ask in #sdk-flutter
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