hello, i have an issue where my feature flag and e...
# ask-questions
hello, i have an issue where my feature flag and experiment are picked up by the growthbook devtools plugin when i visit my website, but when i add a query param, it seems to break. any ideas as to why?
interesting - that shouldn't matter
can you see if GrowthBook is loading?
how can i check if growthbook is loading? not sure if this means that, but this console log doesn’t go off
i also see
is true here
hello, pinging again to see if anyone has any ideas. thanks
hi, pinging again
the query params shouldn't effect anything
is it publicly visible?
something I could help you debug?
yeah that would be great. do you have any time this week to help debug?
Is there anything you can DM me?
do you have a paid support tier that offers things like live debugging sessions? i just think it’ll take too long given the cadence of the replies to do this over DM
hi, pinging again
Hi David, send me a DM and we can discuss