Hello! I have a use case to ab test price change f...
# ask-questions
Hello! I have a use case to ab test price change for best selling products. Whenever a user views the best selling product then we want to the user to randomly assign to either treatment or control variant. How can we use Growthbook to run the experiment only on specific products & also make sure that the same user is not assigned to different group when user returns during the experiment execution?
Hi Aagyajeet - yes, that is possible with GrowthBook - there are a few ways to handle this. One, you can bucket all users, and use a "Activation Metric" to exclude users who haven't been exposed to the experiment. The other way is to activate the experiment for only users who see that product - and you can do that by setting an attribute for those users (ie, "seenBestProduct": true) then target to users with that attribute.