Hi! I have 2 versions of website: for desktop and ...
# ask-questions
Hi! I have 2 versions of website: for desktop and for mobile. First link like site.com/smth and second like m.site.com/smth Is it possible to use visual editor for mobile version? When I open via button "open visual editor" for mobile URL targeting I see a desktop version. Also I see a desktop version when I click on "preview".
it is possible, though perhaps not the easiest thing
The change set you created, does that not work?
It's strange, because a few days ago I created a draft of an experiment to test this. And when I clicked by mobile version site I saw mobile version. And I could make changes via GB DevTools. But now it just opens a desktop version.
It was our mistake. Because we made a change and now we force redirect from mobile version to desktop.
ah, makes sense
Hi Graham, since we have a redirect from mobile version to desktop, how can we open a Visual Editor on mobile then? If I try to change desktop to mobile right in the console, I don't have any of GrowthBook settings anymore (from 1st screenshot to the 2nd)