Do experiment names and tracking keys need to be d...
# ask-questions
Do experiment names and tracking keys need to be different for production and staging or does GB handle that on its own?
🙏 1
Hi, can someone confirm this? We're waiting to launch the experiment but want to make sure it's set up correctly.
Hi Matjaz - they don't need to be different- on the assignment side, the SDKs will be a different. The event tracking on dev is usually disabled or sent to a separate source so as to not contaminate the events. If the experiment name is the same, and the data ends up in the data warehouse, GrowthBook would have no way to tell the difference between the events.
Ok, so experiment key (and name) need to be different for production and staging right?
do you track staging data to the same location as production?
Do you have any way to filter out that data?
What do you mean by "track data". Metrics?
so there is an exposure event that is called from the trackingCallback()
is that event logged by you?
No, we let GB handle that
We don't save any experiment data ourselves.
ah, GrowthBook stores no event data ourselves
the trackingCallback needs to be set up
do you have any event trackers?
Wait, no, we use Segment to track experiment views.
Sorry, I'm not the dev. Just looking through the code and was checking dev branch.
you should check with the dev team - usually events from dev/staging are not logged to avoid messing with the data
I think we do it so we can test it through.
But, anyways, having a different experiment name and key for staging and production is probably the safest bet?
yes, I guess so
Alright, thanks.