hello GB team, I have a question related to experi...
# ask-questions
hello GB team, I have a question related to experiment ramp up data. When engineer ramps up traffic for an experiment, do we have to manually record the ramp up phase (like % of traffic, the timestamp of rampup)? Is that possible for GB to automatically record this information and show it in experiment analysis page (from the traffic rampup phase drop down menu)? Thank you so much!
Editing the overall traffic percent via the feature flag rules does not create a new phase automatically
I believe its logged to the audit logs
@fresh-football-47124 do they store the phase information (traffic % and ramp up time) in the audit logs?
how to use the audit logs?
I think they are an enterprise feature - but not available at a feature level at the moment - can I ask what the use case is for this? is it forensic?
@fresh-football-47124 our use case is 1) would like to understand the ramp up phases (% and time for traffic increase) from UI for each experiment. 2) would like to export traffic ramp up information via API to build an additional feature in house to show metric overview
I see
@fresh-football-47124 do you have recommendation how to obtain this information?