There used to be a view where I can see last time ...
# ask-questions
There used to be a view where I can see last time my webhooks successfully sent the feature payload. I can't find it anymore, it used to be under something called like "Legacy Webhooks". Can I know where that view is now? Thanks.
@future-teacher-7046 do you know?
Any updates here? It's important that we have visibility into our webhook status. Thanks.
Hey guys, I'm just realizing that my webhooks completely vanished in what I'm assuming was a migration you all made on the backend. In addition, the webhook verification signature inputs changed. Did I miss the announcement on this? This is a breaking modification that completely took down our ability to update our features in real-time and ended up causing a p0 issue. What happened here?
We deprecated the legacy webhooks, but they should still be firing the same as before. And the signatures should be identical. Is this on Cloud? I can take a look at your account and see what's going on.
They stopped firing and I had to update my verification signature method to access new headers and the additional
values in the HMAC digest.
Ah, we did not change the signature method on any of the legacy webhooks, so those should be 100% backwards compatible. Newly created webhooks use a different signature method to align with the Standard Webhooks specification. I'm looking into why your legacy webhooks stopped firing now
Ok, I found the bug that was stopping legacy webhooks from firing. Are the new webhooks working for you now? If so, I can disable your legacy ones so they don't start firing as well with the old signature scheme once we push out the fix.
Yes, please disable the legacy ones. The new ones are working fine. Can we have feature that will fire an email or slack notif if webhooks fail past a certain threshold? That would really help with observability. It's hard to create a monitor on my side when feature webhooks can be infrequent and erractic.
The fix is live and I disabled those old webhooks. Thanks for reporting this. Made us discover a blind spot in our monitoring that should have caught this automatically much sooner. I'll look into sending email notifications when webhooks fail. I think that should be fairly straight forward to set up.