Hi, I have created split test using the URL redir...
# ask-questions
Hi, I have created split test using the URL redirect test feature in the tool, but in that we have observed one issue which is when user redirects to the destination URL at that time the datalayer event named "experiment_viewed" is not firing and in original(control) the event is firing correctly, is anyone has faced this similar issue ? If so then is there any way to fix this problem?
Hi Greha - is this experiment live somewhere we can see it?
Yes, it is live on this page https://www.tagmate.app/ and it has been redirected to https://www.tagmate.app/analytics
Hi Graham, Is there any update on this?
Hi Graham, Did you get a chance to check on the issue? Is there any way to rectify it?
you may need to increase the url redirect delay
to make sure that the data layer event has time to fire (which is likely due to GA4 not loading yet)
or you can use our new edge SDK if you have a CDN
Hi Graham, Thanks for the update. Can you please help us with how we can increase the URL redirect delay in the experiment?
Hi Graham, Did you get a chance to look into my above query?
Hi Graham, Did you get a chance to look into my above query?
Hi Graham, Can you please help me here?
Hi @fancy-oil-85498 @fresh-football-47124 I'm, having the same issue with the HTML script. Did you find any solution to this issue?
with the delay in URL redirect to allow for the tracking to fire?
its "navigateDelay"
Is it possible to use it with the html script?
you have to set this before the script
Thank you! Will try it locally and let you know. Thanks for the support, super fast and on a Sunday 🙂
Copy code
window.growthbook_config = window.growthbook_config || {};
window.growthbook_config.navigateDelay = 150;
Untested, but something like this
🙌 1
Thank you! It work, although it takes a bit too long on my website =/ Up to 5s. I'll try the edge solution. Have you seen it applied to Vercel with the Astro framework? Sorry, I'm not a super technical guy.
5 seconds is pretty abnormal - what is it waiting for, do you know? The event tracker?
It should work with Astro, but I'm not sure we have examples of this
I'm looking at the network tab and checking the experiment_viewed tracker timing. It is queued at 5s.
It's most probably a GTM loading issue.
ya, could very well be that