Hi all, we’re looking to get a better understandin...
# announcements
Hi all, we’re looking to get a better understanding of how the “Metric Conversion Window” setting plays into the experiment analysis. We took an experiment and toggled the setting from “Include In-Progress Conversions” to “Exclude In-Progress Conversions” and, after running “Re-run All Queries” compared the queries generated via “View Queries”. Surprisingly, the queries were identical for both settings. Is this expected, or where should we expect to see the Metric Conversion Window logic applied?
Is the experiment currently running?
Ah, that setting has no effect if the experiment is over, since everyone has already had a chance to convert, so there are no in-progress conversions.
Got it. We were hoping to prove out Growthbook against some historical experiments, and we wanted to exclude users who hadn’t converted at the time the experiment ended. Is that not possible then?
I guess you might be able to just set the end date of the phase X hours earlier than it actually ended. That will exclude those users who came in at the end from the analysis.
@future-teacher-7046 Thanks! I’ll add to @stocky-energy-64916’s note. The goal is to calculate all conversions within the full experiment window but NOT beyond it when the experiment has ended. if we sent the conversion period to be the length of the experiment 30 days) we wouldn’t want it to continue to calculate for those users that were entered the experiment on day 20