Hi, I have a question on how to use a `Retuning Vi...
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Hi, I have a question on how to use a
Retuning Visitors
as metric in GrowthBook. I use Firebase Analytics and currently I get almost the metrics business want to see but
Retuning Visitors
. What I stuck right now is, I can get a user count which represents the
Retuning Visitors
but it is divided by
All Experiment Users
and I get ratio instead of actual count. Any help is aprreciated.
that helps a lot. thank you so much!
I have few questions to ask for your suggestion. They are related to metrics. We plan to use GrowthBook for 2 types of experiments • domain expertises -led: experiments suggested by products owner from their observations. We’’ll use specific metrics, for example conversion ratio, or CRT to measure the impact. • business-led: experiments originate from business team. These experiments may come from business team’s intuition. The only focus is number of
retuning visitors
. for the first type of experiments, I think they’re kind of straightforward from experiments perspective. But for the Business-led experiments, I’m not sure if
returning visitors
, and to the extent
retention rates
, are proper metrics.
I would like to ask your suggestion on the business-led experiments. Have you run the experiments with the similar setup? Could you share any pitfalls with these experiments.
I would be a little careful with using click through rate as a primary metric. It's fairly easy to increase the click through rate while actually hurting the UX and long-term metrics like revenue (e.g. giant buttons, bright colors, "free kittens" CTA, etc.) Usually companies will have a set of core business metrics that they use for every experiment, such as revenue, retention, engagement. Then, depending on the experiment you might add some secondary metrics like CTR that are more for debugging and exploration.
that makes sense. We’re using DAU as a long-term metrics and ideally we want to add it into metrics on GrowthBook as well. I am not sure how can I add that into GrowthBook because all metrics have
All Experiment Users
as denominator by default.
Yeah, for DAU, we typically see companies make metrics like "day 2 retention" or "day 7 retention". Basically measuring what percent of experiment users come back after a certain amount of time. To do that you would make a binomial metric, select an "app open" event (or similar) in your SQL, set a conversion delay (24 hours for day 2, 168 hours for day 7, etc), and finally set a conversion window time of 24 hours.
thanks so much. I think retention rates and the use of conversion delay. and with conversion delay, that means I can use the same query and just change to conversion delay to get retention rates from different time frame, does it?
cc: @bland-tiger-91293
Yes, conversion windows only have an effect inside an experiment, not on the metric preview page. Can you share the list of feature rules that you expected to trigger the tracking callback? The experiment might not be set up properly there.
trackingCallback is working fine now, Thanks Jeremy