I am just starting out with GrowthBook and I am tr...
# ask-questions
I am just starting out with GrowthBook and I am trying to use it to analyze a database I created with some mock data. Here are the columns in the database: id received_at context_library_name context_library_version title url uuid_ts context_adobe_analytics_marketing_cloud_visitor_id context_page_title original_timestamp timestamp user_id anonymous_id context_page_referrer path sent_at context_user_agent page_load_time browser_number The hypothesis is that page speed can be enhanced by using a different browser. This is the query I created to view the data in GrowthBook: SELECT anonymous_id, received_at as timestamp, "23" as experiment_id, "46" as variation_id, page_load_time, ( CASE WHEN context_user_agent LIKE '%Mobile%' THEN 'Mobile' ELSE 'Tablet/Desktop' END ) as device, ( CASE WHEN context_user_agent LIKE '% Firefox%' THEN 'Firefox' WHEN context_user_agent LIKE '% OPR%' THEN 'Opera' WHEN context_user_agent LIKE '% Edg%' THEN ' Edge' WHEN context_user_agent LIKE '% Chrome%' THEN 'Chrome' WHEN context_user_agent LIKE '% Safari%' THEN 'Safari' ELSE 'Other' END ) as browser FROM pages WHERE anonymous_id is not null AND page_load_time is not null When I attempt to view the results of the experiment it says "syntax error at or near ";". This is a partial view of the long SQL query that GrowthBook created. How did the ":" get in there and how can I remove it? (Also, can I use this database with GrowthBook? Am I on the right track? Now that I am thinking of this, perhaps the browser_number column should be a variation_id). -- page_load_time (duration) WITH __rawExperiment as ( SELECT anonymous_id, received_at as timestamp, "23" as experiment_id, "46" as variation_id, page_load_time, ( CASE WHEN context_user_agent LIKE '%Mobile%' THEN 'Mobile' ELSE 'Tablet/Desktop' END ) as device, ( CASE WHEN context_user_agent LIKE '% Firefox%' THEN 'Firefox' WHEN context_user_agent LIKE '% OPR%' THEN 'Opera' WHEN context_user_agent LIKE '% Edg%' THEN ' Edge' WHEN context_user_agent LIKE '% Chrome%' THEN 'Chrome' WHEN context_user_agent LIKE '% Safari%' THEN 'Safari' ELSE 'Other' END ) as browser FROM pages WHERE anonymous_id is not null AND page_load_time is not null ), __experiment as ( -- Viewed Experiment SELECT e.anonymous_id as anonymous_id, cast(e.variation_id as varchar) as variation, e.timestamp as conversion_start, e.timestamp + INTERVAL '72 hours' as conversion_end FROM __rawExperiment e WHERE e.experiment_id = 'pageloadtime' AND e.timestamp >= '2022-08-18 175000' ), __metric as ( -- Metric (page_load_time) SELECT anonymous_id as anonymous_id, m.value as value, m.timestamp as conversion_start, m.timestamp as conversion_end FROM ( SELECT user_id, anonymous_id, received_at as timestamp, page_load_time as value FROM pages WHERE page_load_time IS NOT NULL; ) m WHERE m.timestamp >= '2022-08-18 175000' ), __distinctUsers as (
In your metric SQL, it looks like you added a semicolon at the end. If you remove that it should work.
I figured this out. In order to remove the semicolon I had to totally remove the data source from Growthbook and start over. Thank you.