Hey, I’m just getting started with using Growthboo...
# ask-questions
Hey, I’m just getting started with using Growthbook for feature flag management and a question for AB-testing popped up. Say that I only want to run an experiment for one specific country. How would I best configure that? I can see that I can set up rules so that all other countries will resolve to the default value, but this would mean they are still included in the test analysis right? So we would have a lot of traffic for the default design, even though my split might be 50/50 for the country I want to test in. Is the solution to break it down in the analysis part using dimensions, or is there some other way? Thanks
Hi Malcolm. The best way would be to set an attribute in the SDK for country, and then when you create the experiment over-ride rule, you would add a targeting condition to limit the experiment to only the specific countries you like.
Only those users who meet the targeting conditions will be included in the experiment (ie, the trackingCallback will be called for those users).
Thanks Graham! Just to clarify, would this example test only run the experiment for users in UK, and for them it would be split 50/50?
No, actually that would serve ‘on’ to all users in the UK, and then everyone else would be split 50/50
you have to add targeting conditions to the experiment itself
Yes, I just noticed it now. Thanks Graham!
👍 1
Is there a reason the Targeting Conditions only show up when you either edit the override rule, or create a new rule within an already created feature? As opposed to being available when you create the feature in the first place. If not, I think that would be a nice thing to have!
We were trying to simply that modal - but we’ve had a few requests to add it there. If you open an issue, I can probably get to it this week