Hi guys, I am attempting to experiment with Growth...
# announcements
Hi guys, I am attempting to experiment with GrowthBook and have cloned the growthbook repo https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook#:~:text=Get%20up%20and%20running%20in%201%20minute%20with%3A. I haven’t been able to get passed this error even though I updated the
environment variable with a JWT token
Copy code
ERROR (UnauthorizedError/59 on 1fe8540a388c): ERROR /user
 |     UnauthorizedError: invalid signature
 |         at /usr/local/src/app/node_modules/express-jwt/lib/index.js:105:22
 |         at /usr/local/src/app/node_modules/jsonwebtoken/verify.js:133:14
 |         at getSecret (/usr/local/src/app/node_modules/jsonwebtoken/verify.js:90:14)
Can you try clearing your cookies and logging in again? It's possible it cached an old auth token and once you changed the JWT_SECRET, it's no longer valid
okay, I will try this
Hi @future-teacher-7046, thank you, that did it