Hi everyone! I'm new to GrowthBook. As I understan...
# ask-questions
Hi everyone! I'm new to GrowthBook. As I understand, any client (for example, an iOS app) downloads all information about features and checks all conditions for each feature to get its value. To do this, the client should have all user attributes for the conditions. Is it correct? If so, how to use GrowthBook if a client has only a userID?
that’s correct
if you only have the userID, it depends on what you want to do - the userID is enough for a/b testing
I want to conduct a/b testing, but the main feature is feature-toggling with segmentation by different user attributes. Percentage rollout is also needed. Shortly, I need all GrowthBook features)
percentage rollouts can also use that userID
but ya, currently the attributes have to be available to the SDK to use for feature targeting
Seems like we can make a backend service that calculates all values for feature-toggles and provides them to the app. Or is there a better way?
ya, that’s a good way
Cool, thank you!