Hi, it seems that project scoping for features API...
# announcements
Hi, it seems that project scoping for features API does not work - I get all of my features regardless of what I put in the project querystring. Any advice?
Hi Mikko, let me take a look
are you using the cloud version or self hosted?
what does your api call look like?
the API is expecting the project id - which you can get from your project list page
I can reproduce the problem on the cloud version, we'll have it solved later today
👍 1
@fresh-football-47124 cloud version - thanks, let me know when solved 👍
@numerous-hospital-35835 It should be working now. Our CDN was not including the
querystring as part of the cache key.
@future-teacher-7046 Great thanks a lot! Just checked on my end as well and working as expected 👌