Hey. I just came across growthbook and found this ...
# announcements
Hey. I just came across growthbook and found this pretty exciting. We are planning to use a self hosted version for our website and app. Our app is currently developed using Flutter but I don't see Flutter SDK available yet. Is the SDK under development or in the roadmap? If no, our team would like to voluntarily build one and will need help in review and guidance. Thanks.
👍 1
oh cool, ya, it would be great to team up on that.
Thanks @fresh-football-47124. You mean there is no open track for Flutter SDK already?
yes, correct, we have no flutter SDK currently
its on our roadmap, but no timeline yet
Got it. Let me know if there any standard procedure to go about it and how can we collaborate, or should I just directly go head on with the instructions in the doc 🙂
You should be able to just go ahead with the instructions in the docs. We're happy to help with documentation, tests, clearing up confusing parts in the docs, etc.
Got it. Thanks @future-teacher-7046 and @fresh-football-47124. Will keep you updated.
@future-teacher-7046 Should I create a separate channel for flutter for communication. We are starting on the development with Flutter SDK. @creamy-flower-58625 @gifted-cat-24658 will be working on it.
Awesome! Yeah, a dedicated channel probably makes sense. I think only @fresh-football-47124 has permissions for that right now. I'll ask him to make one in a few hours when he's awake.
Thanks a lot. Let me know when done and you can add @creamy-flower-58625 @gifted-cat-24658 and me.