Hey all :wave: looking for some guidance on a segm...
# ask-questions
Hey all 👋 looking for some guidance on a segment + snowflake best practices. Segment recommends setting up QA and Production apps as different sources, and this results in one schema per application+environment combination when the data ends up in Snowflake. Growthbook appears to require the schema info to connect to a data source, so we ended up with 4 total data sources (Prod/QA and Frontend/Backend split). We've found that this doesn't play very well with features, for example - creating a/b experiment overrides end up tied to a single Datasource for prod and qa. Is there a better way to think about organizing our data? We've also considered creating views to consolidate prod and qa schemas into single ones, though I don't believe this solves the issue about experiment override creation. Perhaps views by application are better?
Hi Tyler,
As of today, multiple data sources is the only real solution. We're actively working on a better way to do this by allowing a single data source to have multiple experiment queries and you can choose on an experiment-by-experiment basis which one to point to
Right on - thanks Jeremy. Is the split we have setup now the best option at the moment, in your opinion? Have you seen others approach the division any differently?
Usually experiment data from dev/staging is not that useful beyond just debugging that the tracking is working.
There will only be a few users and the behavior isn't representative of production, so the metrics and stats are not going to mean much