Hi everyone. How do I see the estimates for experi...
# ask-questions
Hi everyone. How do I see the estimates for experiment runtime? I've set up metrics and pageviews which, according to the docs, should give me this "This is used to analyze historical user behavior. For example, we can use this data to predict how long an experiment will take before you start." But I wasn't able to find this info anywhere. Thanks in advance!
If you create an Idea, you can give it the metric you are trying to optimize and a few other things and it will give you a runtime and impact estimate
We want to make this feature available directly for experiments eventually, not just ideas.
Oh, I see. Never even tried the idea thing and went straight to the experiment setup.
I am getting this error
both pageview query and metric query work fine by themselves
that's what I am seeing in BigQuery. I can accommodate you with the query in case there's something needs to be fixed on your side
looks like this "r" thing is causing the trouble.
Can you try removing the space after the "r" and see if it works?
Our SQL formatter might be screwing up the BigQuery regex syntax
I did. It works
ok, I'll see if I can patch that in our SQL formatter library
A fix for this is live now. Ended up just removing the
modifier which was simpler than modifying our formatting library.
Turns out the problem wasn't in the modifier itself but in the space after it. If you remove the space between the modifier and the string - everything works. I've checked the docs https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/string_functions#regexp_contains
Yeah, the docs for BigQuery are confusing when it comes to regular expressions. All of the examples use the
modifier so I thought that was required. Turns out the
just means "raw" and makes it a little easier to write regexes with lots of escape sequences. The regular expression functions work fine with normal strings too without the modifier. https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/lexical#string_and_bytes_literals