can someone explain what `anonymous_id` is define...
# ask-questions
can someone explain what
is defined as?
It depends a little on your application, but it's typically used to experiment on users who are not logged in. So session id, device id, fingerprint, cookie id, or similar.
ahh okay got it
okay yeah so we bin experiments as the session level
so I may just assign session id for boh
yes, that would work
if we bin at sesssion_id, is there a way we can use user_id
our worry was always if we did analysis at user level
chance a user could see both segments
There's no way to 100% stop people from seeing both variations. They could clear their cookies, switch to a phone, etc. We don't do this yet, but we plan to add some data quality checks for this. We can alert on the number of users who saw multiple variations and remove them from the analysis.