<@U01T6HCHD0A> Thank you for the guidance today . ...
# ask-questions
@fresh-football-47124 Thank you for the guidance today . But after that I ran into another issue, where I tried to connect to BigQuery and after I provided the JSON key file , it keeps on loading. I waited for more than 30mins , but the loading didn't stop. Any idea on this why this is taking this much time yet not completing?? Please look into it. Thank you!!!
Hi Abinash. Can you check the browser developer tools console for errors? And if there is nothing there, try running
docker-compose logs
in a terminal. There is likely an error in one or both of those places that can help debug the issue.
Okay , Let me check.
I am unable to find the docker-compose logs. Could you please provide the road map to the logs file.
Docker logs are usually accessed through a command line script
docker-compose logs
and not by directly accessing a logs file.
👍 1