Hello there! I just started using Growth Book. I a...
# ask-questions
Hello there! I just started using Growth Book. I added MIxpanel as my data source, but I’m a bit confused as to what I’m supposed to enter in the setup for my experiment based on the mapping I did for Mixpanel under the integrations section.
Here’s the mapping for Mixpanel:
I’m not sure what to add here to make it search for the right information. I’ve tried a few things, but nothing has showed up.
Hi. We pull information from Mixpanel based on the experiment tracking key and the variation ids. The variation ids are in the 2nd screenshot ("A" and "B"). You can see and edit the tracking key on the right side of the experiment info tab.
Based on your mapping, we would look for an event in Mixpanel called "Experiment Viewed" and try to match based on the "experiment_id" and "variation_id" event properties
Thank you, @future-teacher-7046, this is helpful!
Now, another follow up: I finally got it to build the report (I guess my inputs aligned). However, the there are no values. I know we have this data in mixpanel already. When should I expect the data to flow in?
Can you click on "View Queries" and paste in the Mixpanel query? I can help debug
sure, one sec
I got this @future-teacher-7046
hmm, so it does look like it's pulling the data correctly, it's just not showing up in the results table
are you using GrowthBook Cloud or self-hosted?
ok, I think the bug is related to a recent feature we added. I'll take a look
Thank you Jeremy, much appreciated
I can see that the query is pulling the data, but yes, it is not displaying on the report:
yeah, it's the
variation: null
part. I see from the results when you ran on Mixpanel that it's returning the proper variation ids of "A" and "B", but our query engine is not parsing it correctly and tying back to the variation_ids defined in GrowthBook
@busy-minister-45083 I found the bug and I'm deploying a fix now. Should be live in about 15 minutes.
Looking forward to the fix
I have more questions but I’ll post them on separate threads.
I can confirm that it is working now: