Hello everyone, we will need a server-side SDK for...
# contributing
Hello everyone, we will need a server-side SDK for .NET. I didn't see one readily available so I took some time and created one. I have yet to put it into a NuGet package and release it but I basically used the python+JS versions (incl. tests) as a boilerplate and re-wrote it to C#. Granted my A/B testing knowledge is limited but having the great set of unit tests from the JS side certainly helped me build it with better confidence. Not sure if there is any interest out there for it, and we have yet to vet it or even use it in a deployed scenario yet. REF: https://github.com/richerm/growthbook-dotnet
🙌 1
Hi Matthew. That's cool
would you be open to contributing it to the main project?
For sure - that was my end-game anyways (moving it to growthbooks main repos)