Hi in my last chat with the team here the visual e...
# contributing
Hi in my last chat with the team here the visual editor was being moved to a Chrome browser extension -- wanted to know if that's still priority for 2022
We just released our first chrome extension, but it does not yet support the visual editor. That should be coming within the next month or two.
Hi Jeremy
thanks for that -- looks like i was looking in the wrong place
i'm putting together a team so we can pick up features from your roadmap and work on them
is chrome extension a separate project?
just checked that out
i meant whether you're tracking chrome extension features in a diff project to what you have in the roadmap
Not yet. We're going to work on a unified roadmap soon for 2022
ok I see the following two items - • Sync changes from devtools to your GrowthBook account (Coming Soon) • Create visual experiments from within the devtools (Coming Soon)
Yeah, those are some high level things we want to add soon. We don't have any detailed specs or docs for those features yet though.
cool, no worries -- also just a heads up, I'm still in the middle of hiring the team -- things didn't move during the holidays
in the meantime since you mention you haven't detailed specs or docs I'm happy to pitch in and help with unifying the roadmap
if there are any serverless features you think you want to prioritize -- I can pick them up given I have Rust exp
last we discussed async calls to backend and caching it on the edge -- couldn't get into the details during our last chat
I was picturing something like this - https://docs.netlify.com/site-deploys/post-processing/snippet-injection/ Don't think anything needs to be done on GrowthBook's side though.
It's more of a generic "inject stuff into the HTML" feature that a CDN or hosting platform would implement.