Hey everyone, is there a way to purge the GrowthBo...
# announcements
Hey everyone, is there a way to purge the GrowthBook CDN and force a refresh? There’s a lot more context to this problem, but the summary is that we changed an attribute from a
and back and it’s still coming through as a
in the “Forced Value” rule. (i.e. our array for the “$in” operator is coming through as [1, 2, 3, 4] instead of [“1”, “2", “3”, “4"]) So all of our forced values aren’t applying for this rules since it’s trying to match the
we’re providing with a
I don't think that's a CDN or cache issue. When you add a condition to a feature rule, it saves it as a JSON object, using the data types defined at the time it's saved. So you would need to go through, edit, and re-save any feature rules that are using that attribute
👍 1
Yup, that did in fact solve it!
Thank you for that.
If what you say is the case (which based on experimental evidence here it seems to be) I think there is a small bug in the UI here then. The repro would be: • create a new rule • change attribute from
(or vis versa) • view rule • view advanced mode • array shows up as the type you just changed to not the original type.
I’m pretty sure I encountered that scenario in the UI which added to the confusion.
yeah, that makes sense. We auto-fix type issues like that in the UI, but it's not clear that the database still reflects the old data types.
We should also probably have a warning when changing the data type of an attribute if it's currently being used in feature rules.