Hi again folks, I've setup a k8s deployment with g...
# ask-questions
Hi again folks, I've setup a k8s deployment with gb & mongo containers and a service which with a public IP that will forward requests to ports withihn those containers. Attaching the yaml --
Here's the service that provides a public IP and fwds requests to the container ports 3100 and 3000
But when I connect to the service I get the following error --
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Error connecting to the GrowthBook API
I've even tried setting the host header to "Host: localhost" but to no avail
anyone know how to resolve this?
Hi Bhaskar, let me take a look
thanks Graham
I see you're wanting to run the API on port 2100
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name: API_HOST
          value: <http://localhost:2100>
but that error shows the API host is set to 3100
can you open up localhost:2100? does it work if you visit it directly (if its working, it will show you a json obj)
checking now
the other thing that happens is
the API service stops working as soon as I load the site on port 2000
stops? like it was working then stops?
actually the api service just stops on its own
huh, can you see if there are any logs?
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-- % kubectl get pods -o wide                                   
NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP          NODE                                                  NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
gb-mongo-app-587bccd58-6tsm4   2/2     Running   0          4s   gke-pantheon-gb-sandbox-regional-pool-e72d7900-jh2z   <none>           <none>

-- % kubectl port-forward gb-mongo-app-587bccd58-6tsm4 2100:3100
Forwarding from -> 3100
Forwarding from [::1]:2100 -> 3100
I see this output and then after I refresh a few times
it stops working
the api host in the url is not consistent with the api_host variable the API is getting from the env variable - but this should never cause it to just stop working...
is there a better way to deploy to a k8s cluster?
sounds like you're very close, just the env variables aren't quite right - but can you use a Helm chart? https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/pull/103/
haven't used one before
will check now thanks
so when i try to add it --
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# helm repo add gb <https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/tree/0db45874357115dee02eee6c87fab38b4532497e/charts>
I get
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Error: looks like "<https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/tree/0db45874357115dee02eee6c87fab38b4532497e/charts>" is not a valid chart repository or cannot be reached: failed to fetch <https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/tree/0db45874357115dee02eee6c87fab38b4532497e/charts/index.yaml> : 404 Not Found
ok finally got helm to work after cloning from the forked repo here -- https://github.com/JaeguKim/growthbook/tree/feature/helm-chart