About using mixpanel as a data source: - in there ...
# announcements
About using mixpanel as a data source: • in there we have different projects for our environments, so in this case I need to add several data sources (one per project)? • does the user name needs to be like my own or is it an user name for growthbook? • the secreat I imagine that it is the api secret, right? The user id in mixpanel, currently so we are able to track the same user in our server events we start using the mixpanel distinct id but as soon as he signs up we identify the user in mixpanel with our own id and we will have basically the same approach for tests. Then how would I set this up in growthbook? I could not find a reference on how to do this
• I'm not sure how mixpanel allows access to projects, but its likely you'll need to add multiple connections to mixpanel. • For the connection info, the user name is for mixpanel (if that is what you mean) • Yes, api secret - I have some instructions I wrote up, let me share them...
I'm assuming there is some way to join between user id and distinct id - you can add joins in growthbook for this
for the name it was more like, do I add a real one? like my own from my account or can be one for identifying the user as growthbook?
Thanks Graham 🙂
Is there a documentation about the userIds subject that I could use? I saw that we already alias the user in mixpanel, but I was wondering about the case where lets say the user signup when we did not had the distinct id yet so he would have only the Id that we provide. Anyway, I also did not found where in the UI I can join the ids or how, could you guys please give some light?
For Mixpanel, we always use distinct id when analyzing results.
We have only support joining IDs when using a SQL data source.
So I assume it should be fine then, this is also how the users are identified for us there, the distinct Id "merges" the distinct id and our id there there if it exists if not it uses the one we provided, so it should be fine
I will try to run one until tomorrow in the staging environment to test it out
Now I am trying to understand one thing, I created a feature for an A/B test but now I am in an experiment and I can analyze the feature if I am correct. but then when does the changes get effect in an enviroment? when a feature is created or when an experiment is running?
The analysis just looks at the data. Features are the only way to start and stop an experiment from actually running.