Hey everybody! I am just starting, and it would b...
# ask-questions
Hey everybody! I am just starting, and it would be great to have some standard DB Schemas for AWS Athena (or any for that matter). I am a bit confused on a format I need to put data into our database in order to allow GB to query from it to perform A/B Experiments analytics. I know that I can write any SQL queries, but some default database structure would be super helpful.
Hi Ilya. We have some built-schemas for different event tracking systems. Specifically, we support Segment, Snowplow, and Rudderstack for Athena. Do you use something else to track events on your app? We're always looking for other systems to support out-of-the-box without requiring custom SQL
I am planning on putting data to AWS Athena myself to be honest 😅
We already use it for other analytics purposes, so that should be pretty straightforward if I would know all fields GB require to work properly.
We work best with event stream data. So one row every time someone is exposed to an experiment. And one row for every metric conversion. There are some docs for the data source queries here: https://docs.growthbook.io/app/datasources#custom-schemas and the metric queries here: https://docs.growthbook.io/app/metrics#1-sql-recommended
If you are already tracking analytics data, you should only need to track one additional event when a user is put into an experiment. You can use your existing analytics data for metrics.
Do I understand correctly that
Copy code
event_type = 'viewed experiment'
is used later to get metrics data (after changing its type to a respective event)?
We first select from the experiment assignment table and then join to the metric tables
Okay, thanks!