There is one thing I do not quite understand 100% ...
# announcements
There is one thing I do not quite understand 100% about namespaces. I am changing the usage in each feature environment but the usage values are not getting updated properly, does it change from environment to environment or is it a global config? And also, how to I delete a namespace?
The usage graph of namespaces does not take environment into account, so all active experiments across all environments are included.
I asked this because then the UI is a bit misleading, I could show it to you why but basically I have an already created experiment and wanted to add it there, the only way I found is when I edit a rule and rules as separated by environment so when I add it to the namespace it shows in only one environment but it does not show in the others. But based on what you said even though it shows in only one it applies in all of them, is that correct?
I don't quite understand what you mean. Do you have a screenshot to share?
Sure, the scenario is like this, I have a feature that is already created, in the first image you can see that the name space is there. For me to add it, the only option I found is to click in the menu for an environment then enable it and this is the result.
but if I go to other environments it shows nothing
But based on what you said, it is applied for the entire feature, not per environment. And for me this is very confusing
Ah ok. We hide the current feature from the namespace usage graph since it's really meant to help you avoid conflicts with other features, not itself.
But then I dont understand, where is the namespace applied?
The namespace only applies to a single experiment rule, not the entire feature
I see so it is indeed for this single environment?
because when I go into another feature, is when it gets confusing
maybe I will need a meeting to clarify this
The namespaces don't have anything to do with environments. They apply to individual rules. If you have duplicate rules in staging and production for example, those are actually 2 different individual rules and not the same one.
but can I use the same rule for different environments then?
I just want to make sure that when I have two experiments that need to be mutually exclusive, I can set up properly
You can copy a rule to other environments, but it really just creates a new rule with the same definition.
So if I configure 0.5 for every environment in one feature and the same for another feature it should in theory just work
Yes. The namespaces are actually a range of values. So if you use 0-0.5 in one and 0.5-1.0 in another they will be mutually exclusive.