Hi :wave: (<#C01T6Q1SVFV|getting-started>), My co...
# ask-questions
Hi 👋 (#getting-started), My company is doing an internal hackathon and I'm interested in demo-ing how GrowthBook could be used for A/B testing! Ideally, I'd like to just start with the Analysis section. I've spun up a local instance of the GrowthBook platform using the docker container - do you know if it's possible to get that to connect to a local SQL Server I'm creating with the some fake data in ? Do I need to make some type of change to the Docker File to allow that connection? Thanks!
🙌 1
Yes, that should be possible. You can try using host.docker.internal as the db host, which points to your local computer.
Thanks Jeremy for the speedy response! do you mean in the connection string changing the server name from "Localhost" to "host.docker.internal"? i'm currently in the Add Data Source window and I'm seeing this:
I believe for server, you just need to put
and nothing else. It's expecting a URL
Thanks, that seems to do something now but I have a new error: 'Failed to connect to host.docker.internal:1433 - Could not connect (sequence)' I'm going to check the tcp/ip config of the local database but any other ideas?