Hi, I'm just trying to run my first experiment and...
# announcements
Hi, I'm just trying to run my first experiment and I dont seem to be getting any data in the results. What I've done so far: • created a data source (mixpanel) • added a metric (this pulls back data if i run its data preview so can assume my data source is correct • have added an A/B feature flag and created an experiment based off of this When i look at the activity feeds in mixpanel now i can see users being placed into the experiment and given a variant, but none of this data seems to be coming through to the experiment results, I've checked and all the keys seem to be correct. Can anyone thing of something i might be doing wrong or have overlooked?
How long has the experiment been running for?
Hi Colin. It's most likely a config issue in GrowthBook where it isn't looking for the right events in Mixpanel. Can you share the
call you are doing and the data source settings page (where it says event names)?
@fresh-football-47124 about 2 hours but it's on our staging environment so i know we've definitely had events come through as we've been deliberately testing it. @future-teacher-7046 sure let me dig it out
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const growthbook = new GrowthBook({
  trackingCallback(experiment, result) {
      experimentId: experiment.key,
      variationId: result.variationId
is our tracking setup
that 'TrackExperimentViewed' is just a wrapper for
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return track("Experiment Viewed", {
that's my datasource settings
Ok, that looks correct. Can you go to the experiment results, click on the 3 dots next to the Update button, the Configure Analysis and change the start date to yesterday? Some other people have reported timezone issues with Mixpanel, so that may be causing it to miss data
ah yeah, that's it
Hmmn, makes me think my mixpanel config is off. I'll have to look into it. Thanks for the assist!
Let us know if you figure out what's happening there so we can update the docs
will do
it looks like out project timezone is set to US/Pacific for some reason, which makes me think all events come in and are tracked under that timezone rather than their UTC equiv.