Hi - for one of our tests I get the following repr...
# announcements
Hi - for one of our tests I get the following representation of data, it looks a bit off (risk of choosing = 0% and the graph is not shown) - what could be the issue for that?
also chance of beating is 50%, which does not make sense if the decrease is 29.6%
Looks like the number of conversions is really low. 8 vs 13, so it's way too early to draw any conclusions from the data.
The stats kind of break down when you don't have enough data, which is why we set a minimum sample size of 150 by default. In certain circumstances, it's fine to lower it a little bit, but not that much. You can control the minimum sample size in the metric behavior settings.
mhh… but for all our other tests this did not look like this even though traffic was similarly low…
if the number of conversions is very low, the results will be unreliable. So sometimes it may look fine, sometimes it may look like this. We recommend setting a higher threshold for minimum sample size so that the results are more reliable
Okay, thanks 👍
I mean we will wait anyways for at least one week that the data becomes more reliable but it just looked like this for the first time - so just wanted to be sure if this could also be a bug or so - thanks for your help 👍