Last thing (I promise :joy:) based on the advice y...
# announcements
Last thing (I promise 😂) based on the advice yesterday about inline experiment and UI prompting you to create an experiment when it detects new inline one. We don't see a way to do that in UI:
We can see the one ending with
but no way to create it, or do we just create one with same name and it will work? I might've had different expectation when I've read that "UI will prompt you to create it"?
are you sure it's sending data to the data source "bigQuery Staging" ?
Seems like it
hrmm, it should be picking that up
unless you already have an experiment with that same id (submission-flow-user-first-inline)
you can manually create it. I can try to see why that's not being picked up
could you have possibly deleted the analysis?
(created a report, then removed it?)
It is seeing two experiments in the db:
hrmm, checking the code
if you look in the console, you should see a network GET request to /experiments/import/<some id> can you share what that is returning?
Copy code
  "status": 200,
  "id": "imp_7dtwl1ol4zavzk8"
I think we had it at some point but might deleted it later yes.
Should be still picking it up thought.
Here's the detailed response for that experiment (with id from above response)"
Copy code
  "status": 200,
  "experiments": {
    "_id": "62bc04dc2e8b88003c8fd857",
    "id": "imp_7dtwl1ol4zavzk8",
    "organization": "org_1rpxt1ul4wkiozl",
    "datasource": "ds_19g61ml4zakyzu",
    "experiments": [],
    "runStarted": "2022-07-01T08:38:04.356Z",
    "error": "",
    "queries": [
        "name": "experiments",
        "query": "qry_19g61ll527dniv",
        "status": "succeeded"
    "dateCreated": "2022-06-29T07:53:00.104Z",
    "dateUpdated": "2022-06-29T07:53:00.104Z",
    "__v": 12
  "existing": {}
I can create it manually and fetch data later. But still, would be good to prompt the user to create it without having to put all the data in manually.