Hey guys - does anyone know what is mean by "Local...
# announcements
Hey guys - does anyone know what is mean by "Local processing means no flickering or blocking." - its on the website. Does this refer to SSR or something else?
There are a few ways to implement experiments with GrowthBook, and you can even inline the payload so there is no network request required
Interesting! Do have you any docs for that?
ya, one sec
I think we're planning on using SSG + lambda at edge to pull different pages
okay, you could do the bucketing at either stage there
you could have the lambda pull down the list of features from GrowthBook, and then do the rule parsing and bucketing, acting like an A/B test microservice.
👍 1
@fresh-football-47124 I've just spotted you're a founder. Really like the look or Growthbook - thanks for open sourcing it! Do you mind if I fire some questions at you?
go for it
Does the experiment data get collected via the growthbook instance or can it go direct to something like athena via lambdas?
happy to set up some time to chat if you like as well
GrowthBook does not store event data, we give you a hook on experiment assignment to pass data to whatever event tracking or data warehouse you use.
then when you set up the analysis side, you connect to Athena or whatever data source you're using
That would be great at some point. I'm doing some research for a pitch so trying to nail down the architecture.
this has a pretty detailed description
Ah perfect - dont know how I missed that
So the SDK can send hits to any endpoint?
that's right
❤️ 1
it means that if you've already implemented event tracking, you can use GrowthBook for experimentation by just adding one additional tracking call, and still use all your existing events
as metrics in the experiments
Creating a single source of truth for your analytics is very powerful. Plus, since GrowthBook is completely transparent with the results (we give you the SQL or a Jupyter notebook), you can run that query yourself and debug, or join to other reports, etc.
This is really awesome
🙏 1