hi folks, happy to join this community. Yaniv here...
# announcements
hi folks, happy to join this community. Yaniv here from Honest, we are a fintech startup planning on going live soon, and use growthbook as our experimentation platform few quick questions I have which I wasn't able to find in the documentation: 1. does growthbook support killswitch/auto-stops of experiments? so if we have a really bad feature going live, once that's significant enough it should point 100% traffic to A 2. is there a place to configure some metadata info like- team running the exp, tags of experiments etc 3. is there a place that stored the historical experiments and their results that can pulled to our DWH (we use bigquery)?
Hi Yaniv: 1. Not currently but it is on our roadmap. We do email you when experiment metrics go significant (positive or negative) 2. We have the notion of 'projects' and 'tags' (look in settings-> tags/projects), and features and experiments can add arbitrary markdown content. 3. When you add a data source, you can import past experiments - is that what you mean?
oh, for 3, you want to export results out of GrowthBook back to your data warehouse - we don't currently have that, but its also on our roadmap
thanks a lot @fresh-football-47124! is there some rough estimation for when items 1 and 3 will be supported? item 1 will really be helpful
and as for 3, is there a centralized place to see past experiments, with maybe some aggregated info? is there some kind of retention period for experiments results @fresh-football-47124?
you can see all past experiments - though we time limit the query (but even that is adjustable in the settings)
I can't give you a timeline yet for 1 and 3
once an experiment is imported into GrowthBook, we save a snapshot of the results. It will stay in our system forever