Hey guys :wave:! Does Growthbook have slack integr...
# ask-questions
Hey guys 👋! Does Growthbook have slack integration? I saw documentation and could not find it anywhere. Any ideas how I can send feature enabled/disabled/added notifications to slack?
Hi Prasad. We don't have this yet but it's on our roadmap. You might be able to hack something together with webhooks. We fire a webhook every time a feature changes so if you store it and do a diff each time, you'll be able to see what changed and post to slack.
All right, thanks 🙂
Hi @future-teacher-7046 - is there a timeline for this feature? Right now my team is about to adopt a feature flagging service and we are torn between GrowthBook and ConfigCat. My heart says GrowthBook but the current integrations of ConfigCat (including slack and segment) tips the objective evaluation towards them
What kind of Segment integration are you looking for? Is it the same events when a feature is enabled/disabled/added?
more like feeding segment metrics into GrowthBook like you can with Postgresql, Google Analytics
I don't think we'll support that Segment use case for a while since it involves storing raw user event data ourselves. Most companies have some sort of data warehouse already that Segment writes into and that's the level where we integrate currently (Segment writes raw events into a data warehouse, we pull aggregate data out). For Slack, I don't have a specific timeline right now, but likely will get to that within the next few months. There is a workaround today using our webhooks, but it's not as smooth as a built-in Slack integration.
❤️ 1
Thanks a lot and sorry for the late response, didn't see the notification about the response 🙂