Hello! I find the Ideas section of GrowthBook prom...
# ask-questions
Hello! I find the Ideas section of GrowthBook promising for keeping track of and vetting potential experiments. However, I haven't yet been able to find a way to get notifications when new comments are added, or ways to tag in members to generate notifications. Is that a feature that's available currently (or planned)? Thanks!
That's a good idea - we have a lot of improvements to make for the ideas section, would you mind opening an issue for that idea? https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/issues
👍 1
Hi Graham! Another question on the Ideas section. Right now it looks like you can directly convert it to an Experiment but if you wanted to have that Experiment also affiliated with a Feature with the experiment rule, there isn't currently a way to do both easily. Is that right? If so, sSince the Feature is needed to use GrowthBook as a full-suite A/B testing platform, we're again disincentivized to use the Ideas feature. It'd be nice if there was tighter integration between these features so that you could convert an Idea to an Experiment with an associated Feature.
Ya, I agree, we need to have better coupling there
if you take an idea and make it a feature, we currently don't have a good way to store the hypothesis there