I created an experiment `page_split_about` , I als...
# ask-questions
I created an experiment
, I also have an experiment analysis linked to
. Clicking on this even redirects me to the correct Feature. When I access the Feature and select "View results" it says, "We couldn't find an analysis yet for that feature. Create a new one now." This is clearly incorrect, can someone please help me understand what I am doing wrong here? Thank you for the assistance
Hi ryan
the experiment is linked via the 'tracking key' on the experiment rule
That is what is used when passing the experimentId in the tracking callback - and is typically the same as the feature name
can you share that part of the UI? (the rules)
I already deleted the experiment and rebuild a new one with a new name. Now its working fine. I'll keep this in mind should I encounter the issue again. Thank you for your help
No problem