Hi GB team , i am trying to setup an A/B experimen...
# ask-questions
Hi GB team , i am trying to setup an A/B experiment with visual editor . I have created two variations and i am able to see the 2 in action.I attached a Mixpanel event to track the number of clicks between 2 variations but i am not able to get data in the experiment "No data yet. Make sure your experiment is tracking properly." error in experiment results page . I am able to see the experiment viewed event in mixpanel . Attaching screenshots . Am i missed some thing ? Public link to app https://chipper-khapse-1026d6.netlify.app/
can you paste a screen shot of your mixpanel data source page?
mixpanel is having issues i am guessing its them ill try with google analytics
It could be a project permissions setting in mixpanel
or sometimes the data source is not checking the right event name
(hence double checking the data source page)
also able to see Experiment Viewed in Mixpanel
Is it distinct_id or Distinct ID?
its distinct_id on this docs page https://docs.growthbook.io/guide/mixpanel also i dont remember setting it
also a side question if i stop an experiment in visual editor after how long will i stop seeing the variation in production ?