Hey Team GB, I am having trouble setting up S3 as ...
# ask-questions
Hey Team GB, I am having trouble setting up S3 as upload storage. There is a 403 response when uploading screenshots via pre-signed URL in the frontend. CORS headers are in-place. Could you tell me which is the appropriate bucket settings in order to make this work? @mysterious-iron-16289
Did you try that?
That's a good hint, thanks!
let me know if that didn’t help
I will have to clarify, if we can make the bucket publicly available. That could be a security risk.
ah, yes - perhaps there is a better way to lock it down
you’ll need access to it from where ever you’re running GrowthBook
I need to investigate a bit more, but the task roles are having full access to S3 already
Happy to update the docs if you find a better way
do you have a reference for S3 permission setup? Somehow it keeps denying access although task role should be allowed to read/write to the bucket.
Hi @fresh-football-47124, nice to meet you - I’m Robert and assisting Jakob in configuring the S3 upload. We succeeded by making the bucket public but that triggered security alerts as publicly accessible buckets are forbidden by our security team. Their recommendation is to keep the bucket private and use pre-signed urls instead. Is this an option to configure?
@future-teacher-7046 do you know?
We don't support that right now. We use presigned URLs for uploading files, but not for downloading.
Gotcha - thanks for checking. Is this potentially planned for the future? Or some other mechanism (e.g. via CloudFront distribution)?
That is something we could add - would you mind opening a ticket/issue on github for it?
👍 1
Done: https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/issues/857 - please let me know if you require more input