Hi, don’t know if this a question for this group. ...
# ask-questions
Hi, don’t know if this a question for this group. But we use a CMS for LP Building and we need some tool not only for AB test, but also for re-direct. It is possible to setup in growth book a feature flag for redirect from X landing to Y landing? Do you have a tool to edit the front-end like changing the copies?
We do have a simple front end editor for making a/b tests (we are improving it currently).
For redirecting, you can implement that in code pretty easily, but we don’t have a specific ‘redirect’ type of experiment
OK! Thanks ! But the implementation of the code can be done through Growthbook? So we can setup differente redirects?
it can be - you can pass in values through the flag
Hey Emiliano Do you have cloud flare for your dns provider? If so you could use a worker + feature toggle to handle the redirection for you with very small footprint of code
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