Hi, I want to add a a/b test, do I have to first b...
# ask-questions
Hi, I want to add a a/b test, do I have to first bind a data source to collect data from a/b test?
Correct, with A/B test you send event data to a warehouse where GrowthBook can use that data for showing results
but as long as you’re tracking the data, the analysis and metrics can be added after the fact
👍 1
Hi,now I have a feature, and I added the A/B Experiment under this feature. And I used segment to report experiment and result in trackingCallback. But now I have a question, I just allocated traffic to a/b, and the most useful information in the content I report with segment is only that this experiment shows a or b, so how should I let the growth book help me What about analysis? What indicators does the growth book use to analyze that a is better than b
For example, now that I created A feature, I added an A/B experiment inside the feature, in order to know which button’s content A or content B has higher conversion rate. I gave them 50 percent weight, used useFeatureIsOn to display A or B in the project, and listened to experiment and result with segment in trackingCallback. But I don’t think the growth book can help me analyze who is better and whether I am missing something. For example, I need to use segment to report the variantId of the current button when the user clicks it. Then combine the experiment and result monitored by segment in trackingCallback to meet the analysis conditions of growth book
if you set up a data destination from Segment, GrowthBook can help you with the experiment analysis
I don’t need to record the variantid when the user clicks the button, I just need to use the segment in the trackingCallback to upload the monitored experiment and result? Amazing
just the one event
we join to all your other events and metrics using that user id
It’s too strong. Let me try it
Hello, I have a new question. The Growth book doesn’t seem to allow me to initialize in the App. Is there a way for me to initialize the growth book in the App?
Hi, I linked the Segment data to GrowthBook via AWS Athena and it worked. But now I’m having some problems setting up Metrics. My SQL query is working and getting results in AWS, but GrowthBook is giving me an error. How do I fix it
can you confirm the name of the db?
it says mismatched input “-”
and the only hyphen is in the name of the db
maybe escape the name of the db.table with backticks?
OK,let me try it
it say ” Queries of this type are not supported ”
and I’m sure I didn’t have “-”
Oh, sorry, our engineer just told me there’s a “-” in the database. Is there no way to query?
What permissions are required to use AWS Athena
try double quotes?
it just has to run the query, read only - which it seems like it’s doing
But now the query display permission is not enough
Is it AWS read-only or Athena read-only?
I’m not an expert at Athena permissions
😭Now we have given all Athena permissions, but the query still shows that the permissions are not enough, I do not know what to do