Hey yall! Wondering if anybody might have some mor...
# ask-questions
Hey yall! Wondering if anybody might have some more insight on how to debug this issue around Assignment Queries. I'm getting a message "This query had an error with it the last time it ran: No rows returned" but the strange part is that when i test the query within the SQL editor, it does in fact return rows. Anybody else run into something similar / have any thoughts on what might be going on?
and apologies if this is the wrong channel for this type of q (first post!)
Thanks Nate for reporting this. I think I see the issue. We will fix this promptly.
thanks so much @white-fireman-22476!
For now you can just ignore the message. Everything else should continue to work.
gotcha! Do you think that may be related/similar to this error message i'm seeing when trying to import experiments as well? I think beyond these messages things appear to be working well
No I don't think it is related. At least not directly.
👍 1
thanks so much for lookin into it 💪
Sure thing. Actually I already kicked off a deploy that should fix it. In about 3 minutes you should be able to click "Check it again." and the error message should go away.
🔥 1
will lyk
In terms of the other message, since your assignment query did seem to return data perhaps there is some other issue with the import. Hopefully looking at View Queries could help you debug.
🙏 1
message gone! Thanks again @white-fireman-22476
Great. Glad to hear it.
If you have trouble figuring out the import issue, perhaps start a new thread and hopefully someone else can help you on that since I will be afk.
killer, preciate it