Trying to complete the proof-of-concept of Growthb...
# ask-questions
Trying to complete the proof-of-concept of Growthbook with an experiment setup on our staging env. • I have defined the setup the metrics with the "Discover metrics" feature under data sources, and chosen one of these for the experiment • The data source is set up with the correct project id and data set id Still i get this error when deploying the experiment.. How do I qualify the "events_*" table with a dataset?
Hey, @agreeable-activity-31366 - It looks like you need to update the experiment assignment queries. To do this, you can go to the data source, and click on an Experiment Assignment query, and you'll see a CTA to
Customize SQL
. Once you click on that, you'll see the query we've generated for you, and you can add the
to the
clause. You'll want to make sure you do this for all Experiment Assignment queries. (E.G. ``projectID.dataset.events_*``)
Thanks for the reply @billions-xylophone-11752 Will try to make it work 🙂