Hello team, we plan to use GrowthBook self-hosted ...
# ask-questions
Hello team, we plan to use GrowthBook self-hosted in our team for internal projects and we were wondering a couple of things: 1. Is the self-hosted version still free? In the past there was a label somewhere saying something like
Self hosted forever free
. I don’t see this anymore. 2. What license does GrowthBook have? I’ve tried looking at the license file with no clear understanding of what applies for the self-hosted version.
1. the self-hosted version is still free. 2. most of the code is MIT, there is one directory that is source available but restricted in use.
They way I understand it: Most of the code is
MIT Expat
license (do what you want). The stuff in
is under a different license known as
The GrowthBook Enterprise License (the "Enterprise License")
. Third-party licenses are under whatever the 3rd party license license is.