Hi guys, I added Experiment Assignment Queries (At...
# ask-questions
Hi guys, I added Experiment Assignment Queries (Athena) and I can query as expected but when I press Add Experiment > Analyze an Existing Experiment, I got this error. I can still succeed to get experiment result but I want to get rid of this error. how can I do that ?
this is to confirm that I can still get result even after this error
do you have multiple exposure types?
yeah I have these two
and I have • 1 Identifier Types • 1 Experiment Assignment Queries • 1 Metrics
This is a bug on our end where an old error is sticking around and we're showing you the banner incorrectly. If the query shows the check mark as it does in your second screen shot in the original post, you should be fine to ignore the banner. We're landing a fix to remove the old error bug that is causing that banner soon.
👍 1
Thank you for the info !