Hi! I have a test running that is suddenly showing...
# ask-questions
Hi! I have a test running that is suddenly showing one cell (
) to 100% of users instead of the split indicated in GB. Could I help some help to debug please?
where do you see 100%?
just from QA — every user on the site is seeing the
how are they QA’ing it?
are they changing the user id for each run?
It’s been a problem for a week, each cell links out to a revenue-generating opportunity so we noticed in when we stopped getting revenue from these cells. Then when we tried logging in as different users (different user ids, on multiple computers), we realized we were seeing the same cell
How are you setting the id?
sorry what do you mean by that? btw the test has been running for >6 months and nothing has really changed about the setup
so the way the SDK works, it assigns users based on the ID attribute
if there is some caching or something that causes that ID to not change, it can result in one variation getting all the traffic
we added a section below the override rules, where you can test changing the IDs to see what variation they would get
hmm I don’t see it? Is there any chance you have 15 mins to jump on a call about this?
oh, are you self hosting?
is the AB test live somewhere I can see?
Yes we’re self-hosting. You’d only be able to see it if you signed up for an account on our platform (groover.co … it’s free to sign up, but if that’s annoying I can send a video) => it’s on the homepage of the site The arrow points to the card that changes depending on the test cell: https://jam.dev/c/00c85f76-5a07-4db6-ba0f-617582f4e46b
Can you share the code you’re using around the SDK?
let me know if you want to chat