Hi. We want to try out Growthbook and I'm trying t...
# ask-questions
Hi. We want to try out Growthbook and I'm trying to figure out how to set it up between our apps and environments. Let's say I have 2 mobile apps (JS), 2 web apps, and a Node backend. We have these spread across dev, staging, and production enivornments. Do we need to install 15 SDKs from 3 connections? I feel like I'm missing something.
Hey Sevi, per our other chat (and just so others can get an answer to this if they have the same question) we suggest creating 1 SDK per language and environment, as we've stopped allowing multi-language SDK connections. However, if you'd like to create 1 SDK Connection per environment, you can simply select "Other" as the language. And then in
Implementation Instructions
section, there is a CTA to
Show All Languages
that allows you to see the instructions for all languages.
Thank you, @billions-xylophone-11752! So the recommended solution is essentially to create 15 connections? Will using one SDK per environment cause negative side-effects down the line? I'm assuming you are deprecating the feature for a reason.